

Scott Hsieh (史考特)
22 min readJun 27, 2020



  • A completly life altering state of mind, more than a “crush”, very intense feelings of affection towards somebody else. When the feelings are unrequited, it can destroy ones lifeUrban Dictionary
  • “Limerence” is an aspect of basic human nature, one significant to human reproduction, to conception, child care, family, productivity, even to the decisions that determine human historyLove and Limerence: The Experience of Being in Love (1998)

解字網Vocabulary.com 中都沒有這個字可以查找到,相當專特的一個字。1979年由心理學家桃樂絲.朵諾夫(Dorothy Tennov)在她著作《愛與癡戀:在愛情裡的滋味》(Love and Limerence: The Experience of Being in Love)中所創的字。Urban Dictionary 中最受人接受的解釋是說,一種生命中完全轉變的精神狀態,比「一見鍾情」還富含情感,對著某一個人有相當強烈的喜愛感覺,若是這些情感是單方面的,那麼它很有可能毀掉一個人的人生。1999年朵諾夫的再版同著作中的序言,有相當全面對 limerence 的概要闡述,心理學的範疇不多談,來看看一些能見到 limerence 的情境。

在心理學有關的討論中,這個字常能夠被看見,像是在林恩.威爾莫特(Lynn Willmott)的著作中,有句描述是這樣的:「一種非自願且可能具有啟發性的狀態,對所痴戀的對象(limerent object,LO)充滿崇敬和依戀,涉及侵略性和強迫性的思想、感受、與行為,從狂喜到絕望,皆取決於感受到的情感回饋。」

an involuntary potentially inspiring state of adoration and attachment to a limerent object (LO) involving intrusive and obsessive thoughts, feelings and behaviors from euphoria to despair, contingent on perceived emotional reciprocation — Love and Limerence: Harness the Limbicbrain (2014)

喬.貝姆(Joe Beam)的《墜入愛河的藝術》(The Art of Falling in Love)裏:「我們或許可以稱呼他為癡戀成癮的人。」

we might call him a limerence addict .— The Art of Falling in Love (2013)


When someone is under the spell of limerence, not even being rejected dampens down the madness. The Guardian (Dec. 14th, 2003)

電影小說也是以 limerence 來命名,所以看下來的感覺是在創作、討論、描述事情時,可以考慮使用這個字,一般對話應當是幾乎不會聽見的。

Probably, the infatuation towards you during the time that even me I couldn’t deny, considering all of the things happened, limerence is more luminous to the situation.

Photo by Matthew Bennett on Unsplash


  • the smell produced when rain falls on dry ground, usually experienced as being pleasant Cambridge Dictionary
  • a distinctive, earthy, usually pleasant odor that is associated with rainfall especially when following a warm, dry period and that arises from a combination of volatile plant oils and geosmin released from the soil into the air and by ozone carried by downdrafts Merriam Webster

有點意外,在解字網Vocabulary.com 依舊查找不到。根據 Oxford Languages,它可以追朔到1960年代,petro- ichor 的混合體,前者意思為「與石頭有關」(味道被相信是產生於從地面上匯集而來的有機物複合物的液態混合物),後者是古希臘神話中,一種天靈液體,是眾神與不朽之身的血液。是的,從石頭發散出的天靈液體,真香。

簡單點來說,是種當雨降霖在乾燥地面上時所產生出的一種氣味,通常都是相當宜人的。使用情境和 limerence 有些類似,讓我們來看個實際的示範。

《初雨之息:季風故事選集》(Petrichor: An Anthology of Monsoon Tales)中,奧恩德里拉.查克拉博蒂(Oiendrila Chakraborty)《季風》(Monsoon):「當第一珠雨落在大地上,她重拾了她的美麗,而我們獲得了初雨的芬芳,樹群珍惜著再次被自然澆灌的喜悅,他們珍愛著被濕潤的時刻並四溢光芒,單獨的人找到了能凝視的伴侶並享受著那份獨處的喜悅。」

As the first drop of rain falls on the Earth, she regains her beauty and we got the petrichor, the trees cherish being naturally watered again, they cherish getting wet and give out their shine, the lonely gets a partner to look at and enjoys the solitary. — Petrichor: An Anthology of Monsoon Tales (2019)


When she woke up, the smell of petrichor had settled and given way to that of the rising heat of the sun.

Every move you make, every breath you take are just like petrichor which refreshes and illuminates me.


也作 ataraxy ,源自十七世紀法語 ataraxie 。希臘語 ataraxia ,「靜止;不動」。a- 「不會」, tarassein「擾動」。《希臘哲學的重要歷史》(A Critical History of Greek Philosophy)中,「當這位賢哲理解此事,他就會停止偏好某一個行動方案,而結果就會是心如止水,『毫無紛擾』。」

When the sage realizes this, he will cease to prefer one course of action to another, and the result will be apathy, “ ataraxia.”

《哲學之死》(The Philosophy of Death)裏,「伊比鳩魯學派闡述的目標是無憂無慮,或是內心的平靜」

The stated goal of Epicureanism is ataraxia, or tranquility of mind


  1. calm,平靜;冷靜
  2. equanimity,沉著;鎮靜
    Patience, after all, is the capacity to cope with trouble with equanimity and to turn events in your favor.
  3. serenity,平靜;安詳
Photo by Matt W Newman on Unsplash


  • a secret rendezvous, especially a romantic oneVocabulary.com
  • A private romantic rendezvous between loverslexico.com

中古英語(源於低地蘇格蘭語),已過時 trist 的變體,「狩獵的指定地點」。源自法語 triste 或是中世紀拉丁語 trista 。《紐約時報》的《別擋住我的光,甜心。我正在這兒試鏡》(Get Out of My Light, Honey. I’m Auditioning Here.),「在和我鄰居私會沒多久之後,我發現自己在洛杉磯內度假,突然間有了一個前景看好角色的機會。」

Not long after my tryst with my neighbor, I found myself on vacation in Los Angeles, and suddenly up for a promising part. — The New York Times (Aug 30, 2019)

電影《守口如瓶》(For Them That Trespass)中,「跟賀伯,他們有過一段相當熱烈的幽會。」

With Herb. They had quite a tryst. — For Them That Trespass (27 m 09 s, 1949)


  1. assignation,幽會;約會
    Initials meant secret assignations, though there were no locations.
  2. rendezvous,(尤指秘密的)約會;會面


  • (of a person) finding intelligence sexually attractive or arousinglexico.com
  • noting or relating to such a person who is sexually attractive because of his intelligenceDictionary.com

21世紀初期,源自拉丁語 sapiens 「有智慧的」與 sexual,借鏡 heterosexualhomosexual 。《祖魯男孩的愛情日記》(The Love Diary of a Zulu Boy)中,「艾爾法.菲利亞.沙圭圭特,是一位馬尼拉東方大學新聞學碩士畢業生,也是聖貝達大學的法律系學生,匯集了智性戀者有的三種定義上的特點。」

Alpha Philea Saguiguit, a journalism graduate at the University of the East in Manila and a student of law at San Beda College, has compiled three defining traits of the sapiosexual. — The Love Diary of a Zulu Boy (2018)




  • When you get to where you were intending to go, you forget why you were going there in the first place. Not to be confused with being stoned, destinesia often occurs during working hours, and is the cause of much frustration Urban Dictionary

用來形容抵達一個地方或目的地時,你忘記你本來要去哪裡、忘記為什麼你一開始要來到這裡。有人認為工作時會帶來困擾,有人說旅行中那叫隨波逐流。-ia 作為後綴字根,是種國家、疾病、與花名的構字元素,源自拉丁語與希臘語 -ia ,作名詞的結尾,在希臘語中特別被用來構成抽象名詞(特別是陰性字)。英語中,-ia 結尾的幾個例子像是蒙古(Mongolia)、缺氧(hypoxia)、秋海棠(begonia)等等。所以或許,這個字可以想成是在目的或目標上有困擾的狀態,就是常忘記目的或目標、忘記來到的目的、忘記初衷。

耶拉尼.阿里(Jelani Aryeh)的迷你專輯《郊外迷失目的》(Suburban Destinesia)。


海倫.巴切德爾(Helen Batchelder)的《關於經前症候群你需要知道的每件事》(Everything You Need to Know About PMS)中,「許多女性隨著歲月流逝都體驗過我們所有人都會遇到的更為輕微的症狀—像是走進一個房間卻忘了為什麼妳要進來(被戲稱為『目的失憶症』),或是不能夠想起妳曾記得名字...」

Many women have tried it for the much milder symptoms that strike all of us as the decades go on — such as walking into a room and forgetting why you came in (wryly called “destinesia”), or being unable to recall a name that you remembered … — Everything You Need to Know About PMS (1999)


也作 eudaemonia 或是 eudaimonia。在形容詞解字中,意思為「產生快樂」。1856年,源自希臘語 eudaimonikos ,「有益於快樂」。源自 eudaimonia ,「幸福」。 eu 「好」,daimōn 「守衛、天才」。好事情的守衛、保護好事物的天才,幸福滿足、健康快樂。大體上可以先想成是幸福的華麗用字,不過看了一些內容後,妳會覺得這個詞實在不太好翻譯。總括來說,是因健康、快樂、富足而有的滿足狀態進而達到的幸福。

喬爾.馬多(Joel Madore)的《康德中的艱難自由與根源邪惡:欺騙理由》(Difficult Freedom and Radical Evil in Kant: Deceiving Reason)裏,「亞里斯多德,舉例來說,將道德的至高之善和幸福理念(eudamonia)相提並論,雖然這個詞很不好詮釋,但它提倡幸福、繁華、或是綻放」

Aristotle, for instance, identified the highest good of morality with eudamonia, which, though difficult to translate, suggests happiness, prosperity or flourishing — Difficult Freedom and Radical Evil in Kant: Deceiving Reason (2012)

克里斯蒂娜·加里迪(Christina Garidi)的一場名為《什麼是成功?幸福滿足的觀點》(What is success? The Eudaimonia perspective) TED 演講中,「現在你知道了一個不太能翻譯的古老希臘字是如何對你的成功起到羅盤的作用,我祝福你們大家在往你們成功的旅途上會是一道長久的旅程—滿了快樂與幸福。」

Now you know how an untranslatable ancient Greek word is the compass to your success. I wish you your journey to success is a long one — full of Eudaimonia — What is success? The Eudaimonia perspective (17m 25s, 2019)


  1. contentment,滿意;滿足
    But if you don’t, and your feeling of contentment never wavers, who is anyone to say that you aren’t living right?
  2. happiness,幸福
  3. prosperity,繁榮;昌盛


  • a fear of returning home, often observed in those who have been in institutions such as prison or hospital for a long time Collins Dictionary

一個在 Dictionary.com、Cambridge Dictionary、Vocabulary.com、和 Lexico Dictionary 中都無法找到的字,能想到最接近的成語是近鄉情怯,但近鄉情怯的心情是複雜的,可能有期待、也有恐懼,但這個詞是用來指說在像是醫院或監獄的機構中待久了之後對於感到返家有恐懼的人身上。

喬爾.馬多(Joel Madore)的《邁達斯之地的愛情》(Love In The Land Of Midas)中,「近鄉恐懼,害怕重返熟悉的地方。開心嗎?『是的,只要我們不用再回到以前我們曾開心過的地方就好。』」

Nostopathy, fear of returning to familiar places. Happy?’ ‘Yes, as long as we never go to the places where we’ve been happy before.’ — Love In The Land Of Midas (2000)

然後這裡是一位瑙琳.米爾(Naureen Mir)的網上散文中的一段描述,「因為,親愛的,我似乎患上了近鄉恐懼。」

For, darling, I seem to have nostopathy — Naureen Mir (2018)

Photo by Thomas Tucker on Unsplash


1902年,源自德語 wanderlust ,確確實實就是「想漫遊的慾望」。《華盛頓郵報》的《當你真的哪兒都不能去要如何止你尋酒之旅的癢》(How to scratch your wine-travel itch when you can’t actually go anywhere),「『酒之國』這詞能喚醒我們的旅行慾望並向我們揮手示意到我們喜愛之酒被生產的區域,在它們的棲息之地品嘗它們,跟生產它們的人們交流交流。」

The phrase “wine country” awakens our wanderlust and beckons us to regions where our favorite wines are made, to taste them in their habitat and commune with the people who made them. —The Washington Post(May 2, 2020)

康納在一集脫口秀上訪問弗盧拉.伯格(Flula Borg),「跟我們聊聊《旅行慾望美國篇》」


這樣看下來,limerenceeudaemonianostopathy、和 ataraxia 都是較偏哲學的範疇,在進行比較深層議題的討論或思考時會使用到的字眼。當妳心情低落或是平靜時,你可能能用到它們,或是在進行哲學或是深度討論時會用到它們。畢竟和其他所列出的詞比起來,它們真的難找太多了,在實際的使用情境上,trystdestinesia、和 wanderlust 就比那四個字更為常見。好的,這篇也花了一些時間,現在只想知道:

who wanna indulge wanderlust right now?


  1. 知乎。民107。Limerence:情不知所起,一往而…. 【線上】。取自:<https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/41255530> 【民109年6月26日造訪】
  2. 性別力 Gender Power。2019。Sapiosexual:「漂亮的皮囊很多,聰明的靈魂很少」你也在交友軟體上遇過這種人嗎?取自:<https://womany.net/read/article/20808>【民109年6月26日造訪】
  3. Andrew, M., 2003. That Crazy Little Thing Called Love. [online] the Guardian. Available at: <https://www.theguardian.com/theobserver/2003/dec/14/features.magazine47> [Accessed 26 June 2020].
  4. Associated British Picture Corporation, 1949. For Them That Trespass. [video] Available at: <https://youtu.be/PWRjKOSQIOg> [Accessed 27 June 2020].
  5. Batchelder, H., 1999. Everything You Need To Know About PMS. [Rocklin, CA]: Prima Health, p.104.
  6. Beam, J., 2012. The Art Of Falling In Love. New York, NY: Howard Books, p.92.
  7. Dave, M., 2020. How To Scratch Your Wine-Travel Itch When You Can’T Actually Go Anywhere. [online] The Washington Post. Available at: <https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/food/how-to-scratch-your-wine-travel-itch-when-you-cant-actually-go-anywhere/2020/04/30/f2e98cf4-8afd-11ea-ac8a-fe9b8088e101_story.html> [Accessed 27 June 2020].
  8. Kassabova, K., 2000. Love In The Land Of Midas. London: Penguin, p.187.
  9. Luper, S., 2009. The Philosophy Of Death. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p.62.
  10. Madore, J., 2013. Difficult Freedom And Radical Evil In Kant. London: Bloomsbury, p.17.
  11. Melissa, E., 2019. Get Out Of My Light, Honey. I’M Auditioning Here.. [online] Nytimes.com. Available at: <https://www.nytimes.com/2019/08/30/theater/audition-videos-for-actors.html> [Accessed 27 June 2020].
  12. Mncube, B., 2018. The Love Diary Of A Zulu Boy. Cape Town, South Africa: Penguin Random House South Africa.
  13. Monthly, A., 2019. Petrichor: An Anthology Of Monsoon Tales. BookRix.
  14. Prateebha, T., 2019. Notes From The Underground. [online] Kathmandupost.com. Available at: <https://kathmandupost.com/as-it-is/2019/08/24/notes-from-the-underground> [Accessed 27 June 2020].
  15. Stace, W., 2013. A Critical History Of Greek Philosophy. Createspace Independent Publishing Platform, pp.361–367.
  16. TEDx Talks, 2019. What Is Success? The Eudaimonia Perspective. [video] Available at: <https://www.ted.com/talks/christina_garidi_what_is_success_the_eudaimonia_perspective> [Accessed 27 June 2020].
  17. Tennov, D., 1999. Love And Limerence. Lanham [u.a.]: Scarborough House.
  18. Willmott, L. and Bentley, E., 2014. Love And Limerence. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.



Scott Hsieh (史考特)

10 x AWS-certified, Data Architect in the 104 Corporation. An AWS Data Hero